my baby boy is ten months today:) wow,... ten months, where dose all of this time go?
max has done some pretty amazing things so far:) he is starting to see his hands, we are working on waving, he is picking up his toys and putting them in his mouth. he sits for hours, sleeping curled up... with his behind in the air:) "talking" more and more, rolls...scoots...not sure what to call it... but he gets around to get his sisters toys!!! he reaches out to people when they ask him if he wants to come up by them... and now just started yesterday to turn away if he doesn't, he is eating two times a day, gets upset when someone takes a toy from him, drops a toy... looks and wonders where it went,... and of course is always a joy to be around:)
i was just thinking maybe if you are not a mother a child with a special need you might be thinking... well i guess those are all good things (that's what i would have thought before max)... but they are more then good they are great!!! they are amazing.
for example when max first got mad at lilly for taking his toy, he yelled and grabbed it back, lilly thought it was funny so she did it again, and max did it again. it was a little game between the two of them!!! i was so happy i got a tears in my eyes, that's what siblings do. it was so great to see them interacting... him playing with his sister,...this is something i took for granted with lilly... but now i guess i can add plays with his sister to the list of amazing things:) so back to my little man turning ten months. congrats to my max, you have come so far in ten months, i can't wait to see what i get to write for your eleven:)