every summer for the past few years we try to make it a point to get to the zoo at least once.
we were waiting for this one little penguin to jump into the water... but it never did. lilly to was a little disappointed. |
nick and the kids took a train ride around the zoo. max kept trying to climb out the side:) |
for each of the kids first visit to the zoo we have gotten them a stuffed animal, lilly got a tortoise, max got a hippopotamus and for grey's first visit he got an alligator! |
we were able to feed the giraffe, it was awesome. i don't thing i was ever that close to one before. the lilly and max love it:)
lilly feeding the giraffe. |
i couldn't believe how long it's tongue was! that's only half of it in this picture! you can see max was a little stunned by the size too:) |
it kept licking my arm trying to get it's food, max thought that was really funny! |
max was telling him to go down by lilly. |
to be honest the kids were a little crabby, i couldn't really understand that... their bellies were full, they had enough sleep the night before and on the way there, the weather was a little rainy but nothing that should have affected their moods... i just kept saying to nick "what's with these kids, here we are at what should be a wonderful place for kids... what's with these kids?" despite that, nick and i enjoyed our family time at the zoo:)